Yes, Aer Lingus has 856 weekly flights scheduled to fly out of Dublin.
Dublin is the most popular airport that Aer Lingus serves, followed by London Heathrow and Paris Charles de Gaulle.
Check the flight status for Aer Lingus using our real-time Flight Tracker. To get an update, type in either the airport name or the Aer Lingus flight number, then click Track Flight. We’ll show you information such as the gate number, departure time, and arrival time for Aer Lingus flights. If you want more information about a particular flight, feel free to call Aer Lingus at 1890 800600 or visit their website at
The cheapest return domestic flight we could find with Aer Lingus was flying Donegal to Dublin for €58 per ticket. This flight has 0 stops. If you’re looking for a one-way domestic flight with Aer Lingus, the cheapest route we could find was Donegal to Dublin with 0 stops for €28 per ticket.
Dublin to Birmingham and back with 0 stops for €49 per ticket is the cheapest return international flight we could find from Aer Lingus. If you want a one-way international flight from Aer Lingus, the least expensive one we could find was for €22 per ticket flying from Dublin to Manchester with 0 stops.
Keep in mind while you’re packing for your next trip that Aer Lingus has strict baggage size requirements. Any carry-on should be within 48x33x20cm, all checked bags should be within 158cm, and personal items should be 33x25x20cm or smaller.